
639hz is the frequency of love that repairs relationships.

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639hz is the frequency that repairs troubles in human relationships.

639hz is said to be the frequency for building harmonious relationships between people in interpersonal relationships.

By emitting positive vibrations from its frequency, 639hz can create a peaceful and loving heart and attract good connections.

This is why 639hz is said to be a healing frequency.

639hz has a healing effect and has the power to repair connections with people and interpersonal relationships.

Repairing relationships begins with communication.

As it is said that the mouth is the source of disaster and the mouth is the gate of disaster, the positive vibrations that words emit can change human relationships.

639hz is the frequency called the 4th chakra.

639hz belongs to the "Fa" position in Do Re Mi Fa Sorashido.

It is said that the frequency emitted from the sound of Fa increases the heart chakra and is good for health by increasing the immunity of the human body.

About 639hz and the 4th chakra, the heart chakra.

639hz has the effect of repairing human relationships by rewriting your thoughts into positive ones and improving communication.

The fourth chakra is represented by the chakra color green and represents repair and love.

The fourth chakra allows you to gain compassion for others by letting go of self-centered thoughts.

By awakening the fourth chakra, people will be filled with the energy of love and gratitude, creating peace in the world.

639hz awakens compassion and morality towards others.

639hz is the frequency of love and peace.

It is said that people will feel happy by awakening to love at the frequency of 639hz.

In today's society, we receive negative information from the news, etc., and it can be difficult to feel positive emotions.

People awaken to kindness and love by changing their thoughts from negative consciousness to positive consciousness.

639hz creates positive thinking and communication becomes positive.

639hz means that by ha ving positive emotions, communication will also change into positive ones.

By thinking positively, your words will change positively, and your communication and relationships will also change positively.

Like people attract friends, and people who ha ve positive conversations will always attract friends.

Try relying on the power of sound to awaken your fourth chakra.

The fourth chakra uses sound and frequency to make you positive.

The "fa" sound emitted from instruments such as the piano may create harmony with people.

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You can experience 639hz in real life by using a tuner or tuning fork.

If you want to experience 639hz first, try using a tuner or piano.

Thank you for watching this far.

You can watch the 639hz YouTube video here.

Source: YouTube

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