
The Lemurian civilization had ad vanced technology using crystals and was a spiritual world and civilization.

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Is the Lemurian civilization a mythical event?

Lemuria is a hypothetical continent that is said to ha ve existed between Madagascar and India in the Indian Ocean. This hypothesis was based on similarities in certain plants and animals distributed between Madagascar and India, as well as geographical factors. However, plate tectonics theory was later developed, proving that Madagascar and India were in contact with each other. Therefore, the existence of the Lemurian continent was theoretically denied.


Legends and hypotheses about the Lemurian civilization are continually debated in spirituality and occult communities, but are considered unreliable from historical and scientific perspectives. Therefore, the Lemurian civilization is treated as a part of fiction and mythology, and is said to ha ve no historical reality.


It is important to understand that it is a fictional world concept that is distinct from civilizations and historical events that must be evaluated based on actual evidence and historical records.

About the ad vanced technology and spirituality of the Lemurian civilization.

Claims of ad vanced technology regarding the Lemurian civilization can be found in spiritual beliefs and some occult theories, but are not supported by serious evidence or historical records. Below are some points related to this type of claim.

Ad vanced Spiritual Technology

Spiritual beliefs regarding the Lemurian civilization state that the Lemurians possessed ad vanced spiritual technology. This may include supernatural powers such as healing, telepathy, and telekinesis.

Crystal Technology

Some beliefs about Lemuria hold that crystal technology was particularly important. It is claimed that crystals were used as an energy source for healing, communication, and energy balancing.

Family Society

In Lemurian legend, they were said to ha ve developed peaceful family societies and possessed ad vanced mental ski lls to support empathetic communication and collaboration.


The important point is that claims about ad vanced technology regarding the Lemurian civilization are based on religious and spiritual beliefs and ha ve no real basis.

The Lemurian civilization used crystals with great care.

The Lemurian civilization used crystals as an important element, and it is believed that crystals were used as a means of energy transmission and healing. Below is detailed information about this belief.

Role of Crystals

Spiritual beliefs associated with the Lemurian civilization hold that crystals played an important role as instruments for transmitting high spiritual energy and information. Crystals were said to ha ve been used to receive, store, radiate, and amplify energy.

Healing and Healing

According to Lemurian legend, crystals were used as a means of healing, helping to regulate and restore balance to physical and mental disorders. The practice called crystal healing refers to the use of crystals to align energy.

Crystal Communication

Some beliefs hold that crystals were also used for non-verbal communication such as telepathy. It is said that people shared information and forged empathic connections through crystals.

Lemurian civilization and spiritual relationship.

Spiritual beliefs regarding the continent of Lemuria are found in some spiritual belief systems and occultism. According to these beliefs, the continent of Lemuria existed not as physical evidence but as a spiritual entity. Below are the main points about Lemuria from this spiritual perspective.

Spiritual Beings

Spiritual belief systems believe that Lemuria once existed as a fantastical continent with a high degree of spiritual evolution and peaceful communities. Like Atlantis, Lemuria is said to ha ve been a center of civilization with ad vanced spiritual knowledge and technology.

Hope for the future

Lemuria is seen in spiritual beliefs as a symbol of human evolution and hope for peace. The legend of Lemuria is used to suggest the possibility that people will once again find peace and harmony.

Spiritual Practices

Some spiritual groups and religious movements may incorporate Lemurian energy and spiritual teachings or associate them with meditation and healing practices. They believe in harnessing Lemurian energy to pursue personal grow th and healing.

Lack of evidence

Importantly, the existence of Lemuria has not been seriously proven and is not supported by history or geology. Therefore, spiritual beliefs regarding Lemuria are recognized as being based on faith and personal spiritual quest and without any serious basis.

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Spiritual beliefs about Lemuria relate to personal beliefs and spiritual interests and may be ad vocated or propagated by religious communities or spiritual leaders.

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