good luck

Why being too conscious of your appearance can bring down your luck. By adjusting your inner self, your luck will improve.

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1. If you worry too much about your appearance, you will lose money and luck.

I think people often get hung up on appearance.

For example, dye your hair or buy accessories.

The act of being obsessed with appearance is lowering your luck with money and luck.

There is also an opinion that it is better to pay attention to appearance.

However, I realized that human truth is for training in this world.

2. Dyeing your hair and perfume are wastes that give you temporary pleasure.

I'm sure you all do things like dye your hair.

However, they can provide temporary pleasure.

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Even if you dye your hair, the color will eventually fade and return to its original color.

Even if you wear perfume, the smell will eventually return to normal.

Pouring juice into a glass and taking a picture of yourself drinking it on social media to show off is also a momentary pleasure.

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They may provide temporary pleasure.

In other words, it is the same as throwing away valuable money where it is not needed.

How important is how the money is spent? They are being tested socially.

3. It might make you feel rich. However, we are dominated by information on TV.

You may be able to experience the feeling of being rich by watching this.

However, these are the winners of some societies. This is something that is done based on topics such as the entertainment industry.

When I actually tra vel, I end up spending a lot of money and my life is unstable.

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It is important to live spiritually without imitating them.

4. Luxury hotels, luxury bags, and luxury cars bring out people's desire and appearance.

The purpose of television and magazines is to make the public waste things they don't need.

The same goes for introducing products that come with manga, etc.

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Attach books, limited edition bags, etc. to the appendix.

They are drawing out the desires of the masses in such a way that if they don't buy it now, they will be at a loss.

Luxury goods cannot make people happy.

In other words, the meaning of living in this world.

That is what it means to live spiritually.

5. Judging the information on TV is also necessary for living in society.

Everything on TV and the media is correct because highly educated people are speaking.

Don't you think so?

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If you actually look closely, you'll see that on variety shows, etc.

How do you treat celebrities?


The news shows someone's bad news in the morning and at night.

It has become a hot topic all over world.

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Are those who receive money doing good deeds?

Please wake up to the truth about society.

6. You don't need TV programs to adjust your mind.

You don't need a TV show to condition your mind.

Even when watching anime on TV, the language and consideration towards others are not good.

Negative words such as "cruel" and "ruthless" are used to make the public think they are cool.

The same goes for videos.

By adding juice to something that someone has worked hard to make.

It's a barbaric and terrifying world that tries to get laughs and increase viewer ratings.

7. Don't imitate them. Awakening to morality as a person

There is nothing socially good about imitating them.

Rather, we lea ve behind karma in this life and are affected by that karma in the next life.

Today's successful people also believe that ``you only live once.''

Maybe it's in action.

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However, there will come a time when you will regret it in your old age.

God is watching everything you do.

8. Reasons why you should live while taking care of your mind in this world.

Mind is very important as a person.

Gratitude for people, gratitude for nature. Thank you to the universe.

I always respect and respect people who are able to give thanks to God.

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You don't ha ve to take what the haters on the internet say at face value.

Mind can be changed with words.

9. Mind can be changed with words.

thank you.





By using words that enrich people's hearts,

They will enrich each other and create love and harmony.

Please try to be grateful every day.

Your destiny and life will definitely change.

Thank you for watching this far.

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-good luck