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285Hz opens the second chakra [The door to the sacral chakra] Awakening to natural healing power and multidimensional consciousness leads to other-dimensional healing

chakra, energy centers, body

The relationship between the multidimensional realm of 285Hz, natural healing power, and the second chakra

1. What is 285Hz?

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285Hz is one of the special sounds called "Solfeggio frequencies." This frequency is said to ha ve the power to restore the body and mind to their original healthy state. By listening to 285Hz, you can enhance your natural healing power and make it easier for your body's recovery power to be exerted. Your mind will also become calmer and it will be easier to regain your energy.

2. What is the multidimensional realm?

The "multidimensional realm" is a place where you can feel the expansion of not only the ordinary world, but also your mind and spirit. This refers to the world deep within your inner self, imagination, and emotions. Listening to the sound of 285Hz calms your mind and makes it easier to become aware of the invisible world and the possibilities within yourself.

3. What is the second chakra?

The second chakra is also called the "sacral chakra" and is located just below the na vel. This chakra is related to emotions, creativity, and a fun-loving heart. When the second chakra is healthy, you can express your feelings honestly and find fun things to do. However, when it is out of balance, you are more likely to feel anxiety and stress.

4. The connection between 285Hz, natural healing power, and the second chakra

The sound of 285Hz enhances the natural healing power by balancing the body and also adjusts the energy of the second chakra. Relaxing your mind and body while listening to this sound will balance your emotions and make you feel more energetic. It will also increase your creativity and give you the cour age to try new things.

5. How to make use of 285Hz in your daily life

It is easy to incorporate the 285Hz frequency into your life. It is effective to listen to this sound before going to bed or enjoy the music while taking deep breaths when you want to relax. Also, playing it during stretching or yoga will help to balance the energy of the second chakra. This will help you to stabilize your mind and increase your body's resilience.


chakra, energy centers, body

285Hz is a sound that helps expand your awareness of multidimensional realms and enhance your natural healing powers. This frequency also works on the second chakra, balancing your emotions and creating creativity. By taking a little time each day to listen to the 285Hz sound and refresh your mind and body, you will be able to live a healthier and more positive life.

You can watch the 285hz YouTube video from this link.

Source: YouTube

-good luck