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The power to make your ideal a reality - The miracle of 528Hz and DNA repair lead to transformation into your ideal self. The truth about the self-healing power unleashed by the third chakra

chakra, energy centers, body

The effect of 528Hz. Repairing DNA, building towards your ideal, restoring your mind and body, and the third chakra

1. What is 528Hz?

528Hz is one of the "Solfeggio frequencies" and is also known as the "frequency of love." It is said that this sound has the effect of repairing DNA and balancing the mind and body. It is also believed to attract miraculous changes and support the creation of your ideal self.

2. Repairing DNA and restoring your mind and body

DNA is like a blueprint for the body and is essential for health and grow th. Listening to 528Hz makes it easier for a body that has been weakened by stress or fatigue to regain its vitality. It can also be expected to ha ve the effect of speeding up recovery from illness and injury, and it also supports the power to heal emotional wounds. As this recovery progresses, your body and mind will naturally feel lighter.

3. The relationship between the third chakra and self-confidence

The third chakra is located around the solar plexus and is related to self-affirmation and self-confidence. When this chakra is in balance, you develop a positive feeling that "I can do it." Conversely, if it is out of balance, you lose confidence and it becomes difficult to take action. Listening to 528Hz will balance the third chakra and increase your ability to believe in yourself.

4. The power to create your ideal

528Hz supports the power to move towards "what you want to be" and "the goal you want to aim for." It gives you the cour age to try new things and helps you move forward without giving up even if you fail. Listening to this frequency will help you turn your dreams and ideals into reality little by little.

5. How to incorporate 528Hz into your life

You can find 528Hz music on YouTube and music distribution services. Listening to it before bed or when you want to relax will calm your mind and body and increase your ability to recover. Incorporating it into your yoga or meditation time will help you concentrate more deeply and make it easier to balance your third chakra. By continuing, you can develop confidence and the ability to move towards your goals.


chakra, energy centers, body

528Hz helps repair DNA and restore the mind and body, and improves confidence by aligning the third chakra. By incorporating this frequency into your life, you will attract miraculous changes and develop the power to create your ideal self. Listen to 528Hz a little bit every day and move forward positively towards your goals.

You can watch the 528hz YouTube video here.

Source: YouTube

-good luck