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Saturn 147.85Hz: The path to a conscious life awakened by the frequency of Saturn that activates the first chakra

saturn, planet, saturn rings

What is the Saturn frequency 147.85Hz?

1. Characteristics of the Saturn frequency

147.85Hz is known as the "Saturn frequency" and is said to ha ve the power to bring order and discipline to the mind and life. Saturn is a star that symbolizes "discipline" and "patience", and listening to this frequency helps you focus your mind and proceed with your actions in a planned manner.

2. The first chakra and stability

147.85Hz works on the "first chakra" of the body. This chakra is the place that governs the foundation and sense of security of the body and balances the mind and body. Listening to this frequency helps calm anxiety and stabilize the mind.

3. Support for discipline and order

This frequency enhances the "ability to follow the rules" in daily life. It st rengthens the ability to make plans for study and sports and to follow them properly. When you want to plan things or organize your life, you can expect good results by using this frequency.

4. The power to improve concentration

147.85Hz is a frequency that improves "concentration" to prevent your mind from being scattered. When you want to concentrate on your studi es or work, listening to this sound will calm your mind and allow you to focus on the task at hand.

5. St rengthening patience and planning ability

The Saturn frequency also supports "the ability to see things through to the end without giving up halfway". For example, when working on difficult homework or a long project, listening to this frequency will help you see your plan through to the end without giving up.


saturn, planet, saturn rings

The Saturn frequency of 147.85Hz has the effect of calming the mind and increasing concentration and discipline. By aligning the first chakra, it brings a sense of security and a stable mind, making it easier to proceed with things in a planned manner. Use this frequency well to set goals at school or work and steadily achieve them.

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