Posts by category
- Category: fortune
- 333hz is a special frequency that connects with the Ascended Masters. The love of angels will guide you.
- 222hz is a frequency that connects with your higher self. You can use the power of the universe and higher dimensions.
- 9999hz is the frequency that brings great luck from God and angels. You will be supported by God
- 5555hz is a frequency that makes dreams come true with high-dimensional energy. Life will improve.
- When you change your consciousness with 285hz. About important events and troubles that happen to you.
- What are the health risks and negative effects of 174hz? Be aware of human relationships too.
- 852hz will give you intuition, inspiration and wisdom.
- 396hz removes your fear and anxiety
- 417hz is the frequency that gives us cour age to challenge new heights.
- Vibration is a spiritual thing related to your good luck.
- Category: good luck
- Beyond dualism and beyond the barriers of thought: I will explain creative problem solving that can be generated by inquiry thinking, logical thinking, and lateral thinking.
- How to let go of anxiety and doubt about the future | Focus on the present and move forward positively
- The angel number "99999999" is an important message that tells you that it is time to awaken to your mission and take action.
- The angel number "9999999" is a time to let go of the past and prepare for a new future.
- The angel number "999999" is a special number that tells you that it is time to let go of the past and take a new step towards the future.
- The power of angel number 88888888, which brings infinite prosperity and abundance, will bring you a turning point in your life
- The angel number "8888888" teaches us the importance of deep connections and the importance of obtaining abundance, freedom, and time.
- The angel number "888888" brings financial success, spiritual and physical abundance, and freedom.
- Angel Number 77777777 is a message that you are in perfect condition.
- The angel number "7777777" tells you that you are in the best condition.
- Angel Sign: Angel Number 777777 announces a turning point in life. A message that unra vels the message of ultimate spiritual awakening and self-grow th
- Angel Number 66666666 You create your reality according to your will.
- Angel Number 6666666: A Journey to the Spiritual World to Inner Wealth A Door to Open the Wealth of the Soul
- Numbers tell us about harmony in your heart: Angel number 666666 indicates self-acceptance, inner emotional balance, and mental organization. Explain the truth about harmony in your heart and self-grow th
- Dramatic life turning points guided by numbers: The true meaning of angel number 55555555
- The angel number "5555555" tells you to let go of old values and things and places with old energy that don't fit your current self.
- The Door to Change: The Mysterious Power of Spiritual Messages Guided by Angel Number 555555
- The true meaning of angel number 44444444: A profound message about life told by spiritual warnings and guidance
- Angel number 4444444 represents good health, wealth, and spiritual connections.
- The power of numbers from your guardian angels: Unra veling the message of angel number 444444. Guidance for turning points in your life and spiritual grow th
- The angel number 33333333 represents a connection with hea ven and the greater beings.
- The angel number "3333333" symbolizes the support of the Ascended Masters and the entire universe.
- Angel number 333333 symbolizes a strong connection with hea ven, the realization of your mission, and freedom from captivity.
- Unleash infinite possibilities: Divine messages from the universe and angel numbers that make your wishes come true
- A special invitation from the angels: Angel number 2222222 leads you on your journey of life transformation and messages of guidance
- Hope whispered by angel numbers: Angel number 222222 leads you to inner peace and a life-changing journey
- The power of numbers: Angel number 11111111 leads you to the door to infinite possibilities. A message from the universe to make your dreams come true through numbers
- Resonance of Numbers: 1111111 Opens the Door to Universal Consciousness and Transformation and Expansion of Consciousness
- The moment your dreams become reality: A special spiritual message from the universe announced by angel number 111111. The way to open the door to the realization of your desires that will change your life
- The angel number 99999 means "Awaken to your soul's mission and take action now." You will move forward as your soul desires.
- The magic of numbers: Angel number 88888 leads you to the infinite possibilities of dreams and abundance.
- The angel number 77777 means that you are now on the right path and the road will open up with the obstacles removed.
- Angel Number 66666 Divine Message - Time to release your material worries. Angels give you guidance to peace of mind and abundance, and a sign of a major turning point in your life
- Angel number 55555, you are at a turning point in your life. Your way of thinking and values will also change drastically.
- Angel number 44444 announces a major change in your life - a powerful message from the angels and a sign of supreme love from your guardian angels
- The angel number "33333" is a message that many ascended masters are supporting you.
- A gift from the angels - a sign of the golden age of life conveyed by the vibrations of abundance contained in the angel number 22222. A revelation from an angel to you
- When your wishes become reality - the miraculous energy carried by angel number 11111. A special sign from the universe and the moment your life starts to move forward
- When you awaken from the old dimension beyond illusion - the path to liberation from hierarchy and true freedom.
- Does time flow? And why am I "here"? - The depths of spatial awareness and self-consciousness. Thinking about the existence of a unique "I" from the exploration of consciousness and time
- "The World of Ideas," "Forbidden Fruit," and "Parallel Worlds." Is consciousness connected to another world? Clues to the "origin of mankind" and the mysterious relationship between ancient civilizations
- Beyond E=mc²: The mystery of material transformation from the theory of relativity to quantum mechanics as depicted by Einstein and Hawking, and the essence of matter, energy, and black holes
- Free yourself from distractions and go beyond the illusion of the ego - the path to infinite possibilities realized through meditation and liberation from the matrix
- Ancient Egypt and "Flying Saucers" Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs tell us amazing astronomical observations
- [For beginners] How to choose the right crystal for you. Explains how to purify crystals and their effect on bringing good fortune. How to improve your luck and make your wishes come true by feeling their vibrations.
- Harmony of light and shadow - the path to inner healing. Finding inner light and spiritual meaning between light and darkness. True self-grow th begins when the night ends and the morning comes.
- Purify your mind and body with the power of the earth. A sacred way to connect with the earth and healing wisdom and spiritual learning that can be used in modern times
- The invisible power of wind - healing energy from the 5th dimensional world and the mysterious connection to the universe. The wisdom of nature experienced with 5th dimensional senses
- Mystery of Water: Ancient wisdom of water that leads to purification of the heart and liberation of emotions. Healing of water and resonance of love that purifies human relationships and enhances the vibration of compassion
- The element of fire teaches us how to awaken passion and creativity. How to utilize the sacred power of fire, which is said to be a symbol of purification and rebirth, as conveyed by ancient civilizations
- How to stop comparing yourself to others | How to regain your own way of life and acquire the habits to live your own way.
- The frequency of the Earth - The amazing influence of 136.1Hz. The healing power of the sound of the Earth and the mysterious heartbeat of the Earth.
- Pluto's frequency [140.25Hz] releases the regeneration of old thoughts and the transformation of consciousness. What is the frequency of transformation and creation of the second chakra?
- 211.44Hz vibrations of compassion in harmony with the energy of Neptune - A meditation method to receive small miracles in your daily life and the awakening of intuition guided by the 6th chakra
- 207.36hz: The 7th chakra and soul mission awakened by the frequency of Uranus. A journey to find new doors in life and purpose in life opened by the frequency of 207.36hz
- Saturn 147.85Hz: The path to a conscious life awakened by the frequency of Saturn that activates the first chakra
- Get your stagnant life moving again! How to use the Mars frequency [144.72Hz] to free yourself and use the power of Mars to increase your ability to act and express yourself.
- The Venus frequency [221.23Hz] opens the door to your infinite charm. About the charm, inner beauty, ideal love and abundance you can obtain through the sixth chakra and third eye chakra
- Mercury frequency 141.27Hz enhances intelligence ~ Miraculous communication and the door to wisdom that occurs when the fifth chakra is activated
- "126.22Hz: The power of the third chakra awakened by the frequency of the sun ~ The law of miracles and solar energy that open the door to realizing your desires
- The healing effect of the moon's frequency of 210.42Hz on the autonomic nervous system ~ Acquire a new habit of beauty and health starting with the purification of the mind and body.
- Listen to the voice of Jupiter - 183.58Hz teaches us the fusion of music and the universe. Let's decipher the message from Jupiter and explore the mysteries and meanings of the planet.
- The mechanism of the brain that connects with cosmic consciousness - The science of attraction from quantum physics and neuroscience. The mystery of vibrational resonance unra veled by neuroscience and the law of vibration caused by resonance with cosmic consciousness.
- Make the laws of the universe your ally - Realize your dreams with vibrations and consciousness, and create miracles in your life with vibrations. Rewriting your subconscious mind will open the door to your ideal life and success.
- 4096Hz - The key to the sound that opens the door to higher dimensions ~ Meditation to receive messages from angels and how to connect with the inner light. The secret of the sacred frequency that spiritual miracles and ancient wisdom speak of.
- The mysterious power of 888Hz - a frequency of prosperity proven by ancient wisdom and modern science. How to listen to the 888Hz frequency and effective meditation methods will change your subconscious and open the door to abundance.
- Prayers for numbers that angels wish for. Messages and guidance of love and harmony from angels residing in angel numbers
- 963Hz and the 7th chakra - A sacred frequency that deepens the connection with cosmic consciousness and opens the door to higher dimensions. The awakening of psychic abilities and the path to enlightenment become a bridge to higher consciousness.
- 852Hz and the third eye - a sacred frequency that enhances intuition and insight. The ability to develop concentration and understanding through the sixth chakra
- 741Hz to Unleash Creativity - The trajectory of problem solving that starts from the 5th chakra. Opens the door to expression and problem solving
- 639Hz and the 4th chakra - A frequency of love that heals damaged relationships. Magic that transforms sadness into love and guidance for repairing and regenerating relationships
- The power to make your ideal a reality - The miracle of 528Hz and DNA repair lead to transformation into your ideal self. The truth about the self-healing power unleashed by the third chakra
- Resonance of 417Hz with the second chakra - Ancient sound wisdom to enhance self-affirmation. Sublimate negative situations into the energy of transformation.
- Free yourself from guilt - inner forgiveness brought about by the harmony of the root chakra activated by 396Hz. The fundamental power of sound to release trauma
- 285Hz opens the second chakra [The door to the sacral chakra] Awakening to natural healing power and multidimensional consciousness leads to other-dimensional healing
- Heart Chakra and 174Hz - Ancient Wisdom and a Journey of Inner Transformation and Awakening from the 4th Chakra. The Path to Love and Harmony. Consciousness to a New Dimension
- The reality of Schadenfreude, the feeling of joy at the misfortune or failure of others, and how to deal with it. Learn to live a life that is not misled by false justice.
- Higher-dimensional consciousness experienced by loving nature. Awakening to the world of cosmic consciousness awakened in harmony with the mysteries of nature
- How thoughts create reality. Practical methods and habits to reconstruct your brain with thought patterns revealed by neuroscience. Your brain's thoughts become reality.
- [For beginners] Aura color and frequency. Spiritual grow of self-energy Daily habits change your life
- Thoughts create reality. What is the truth of the world that your brain shows you? Changes in your brain change your life
- Mindset and conversation to be loved by others.
- Fortune telling about your fortune is actually ineffective. How to use colors and words to improve your fortune.
- 888hz is the frequency of wealth. The sound is said to ha ve been blessed by angels, and it overflows with wealth and abundance.
- 777hz is a frequency blessed by angels. You are ready to become lucky.
- 666hz is a devilish healing frequency that has the effect of balancing the mind.
- 555hz is a frequency that connects you to God. Your life will improve with the rise of your dimension and God's mercy.
- 444hz is a sound that contains the frequency of the gods and the love of angels. It gives people hope.
- 8888hz is a positive frequency that attracts endless prosperity and abundance.
- 7777hz is a lucky frequency that creates miracles and abundance through the guidance of angels.
- 6666hz is the frequency of abundance and love that will improve your life. Your heart and thoughts create the present.
- 4444hz is a frequency that heals mental fatigue and removes negative thoughts.
- How to connect with God at 3333hz. The Ascended Masters are your allies.
- Angel number 555 is a message from the angels that means a big change in your life.
- 1111hz is the frequency of higher dimensional beings and angels who can grant your wishes.
- Angel number 444 means that your actions and efforts will lead you to success.
- Angel number 333 is a message from angels that your talents will change the world.
- Angel number 111 is a magical number that makes your thoughts come true. Your efforts will be rewarded.
- Angel number 222 is a message that your efforts will be rewarded and miracles will happen
- 4096hz is a frequency blessed with love from angels. High overtones purify the mind and body.
- 639hz is a frequency created in harmony with the universe. Higher dimensional power repairs interpersonal relationships
- It's actually amazing. Why listening to classical music using 528hz can bring you good luck
- 417hz has the power to eliminate negative events, but you must respond to change.
- I will explain how to attract happiness by moving away from the bad relationships of the etheric cord.
- A meteorite is a wonderful gift from the universe. The mystery of the meteorite universe will bring you good luck.
- Energy vampires are entities that absorb energy and bring down your luck.
- Astrology uses astronomy to guide the future and outcomes. Ancient power creates happiness.
- Nikola Tesla unlocked the mysteries of the universe with his 369 laws, the key to the universe
- Keep your body healthy by using Qigong! Use Qigong to warm your mind and body and attract strong luck.
- Angel number 888 means success and abundance
- Angel number 999 maximizes overall luck
- Angel number 777 is a number of good luck and prosperity.
- Angel number 444 is spiritual evolution and grow th
- Angel number 555 is a number of grow th and change.
- Angel number 666 is the number that creates inner peace.
- Angel number 222 means peace can come from love.
- Angel number 333 is a number that means hope and victory.
- Angel number 111 is the number that makes your wishes come true.
- Space Bank is a place to store kindness
- Angel number 9999 is an angel's blessing and good luck.
- 4096hz is the vibration of God that connects to hea ven
- Angel number 6666 is spiritual grow th and success in love.
- Angel number 7777 is a sign of a miracle coming.
- Angel number 8888 is the number of spiritual wealth and prosperity. Abundance will come soon.
- Angel number 3333 is divine guidance, love, and success.
- Angel number 4444 Angels are your allies.
- Angel number 5555 means success and victory
- Angel number 1111 is an angel's prayer that dreams will come true.
- Angel number 2222 is to help each other and cooperate.
- 888hz attracts wealth and abundance
- 417hz is a frequency that changes consciousness and relieves stress.
- How to enrich your life by using positive words. Positive words change destiny and bring happiness.
- A grateful heart is the path to happiness. Happiness comes when you are grateful.
- 174hz is the basis for expansion and evolution of consciousness
- Angel number 888 is a blessing of love from an angel that signifies wealth and abundance.
- Angel number 999 means success, prosperity and the beginning of a new life.
- With a correct understanding of brain science and quantum mechanics, your wishes can easily come true.
- A positive change that happens by rewriting the subconscious. Happiness is born from all positive opinions.
- The law of attraction is that your thoughts reflect your reality. Positive thinking attracts positive events.
- Angel number 444 all goes well from an angel. The angels are trying to announce the coming of success and abundance.
- Angel number 555 brings changes in your life and a bright future is coming.
- Angel number 666 supports liberation from material desires and attachments and letting go of anxiety.
- Angel number 777 brings abundance and good luck. The love of an angel leads to happiness.
- Angel love and messages hidden in angel number 111. The love of an angel leads to happiness.
- Angel number 222 is a wish from an angel to “stop worrying and worrying and believe that your efforts will be rewarded”.
- Angel number 333 is a number that contains a message from an angel to use the talents hidden in your inner subconscious to enrich the world.
- Mantras are special words that ha ve been used spiritually from ancient times to the present day.
- Solfeggio frequencies are a type of musical frequency associated with music healing, meditation, and relaxation.
- Ascended Masters are beings who ha ve ascended to a higher dimension as beings of Light. Higher dimensional help will rewrite your destiny.
- Your Higher Self is in the highest experiencing dimension of your soul.
- 888hz is the golden frequency for wealth. It is a frequency that helps you succeed and prosper.
- 369hz is the frequency of Maitreya Bodhisattva's compassion and love.
- Why are negative thoughts dangerous? I explained why.
- How to make your dreams come true with affirmations. Positive words attract positive wishes.
- Category: Happiness
- 963hz is the frequency of God that connects with the universe. The sequence of 369 governs the mysteries of the universe.
- What is the hidden effect of 852hz in enhancing human intelligence? Let's pursue the mystery.
- The relationship and mystery between 396hz and the key to the universe. The arrangement of 369 triangles actually has a meaning.
- 852hz is the frequency that activates intuition and the pineal gland.
- 963hz connects to higher dimensions and the universe.
- 528hz is a miraculous frequency that repairs DNA.
- The resonance of the earth and 7.83hz and the mystery of the natural world. You will feel the power of the universe and nature together with the earth.
- Mid-alpha wa ves enhance your creativity and ha ve a healing effect. Use the mid-alpha wa ves to attract abundance.
- 741hz helps to enhance expressiveness and leads to problem solving.
- 174hz is the frequency that heals the body and mind
- Is 285hz effective for natural healing?
- 528hz is a frequency that has the power to heal your body and work miracles.
- Category: lucky
- Sun worship and gods. The relationship between spiritual thinking and the history of sun worship.
- What are the mythological gods related to the moon? About the civilization and history of the moon and gods.
- Actions to be taken to be trusted by others. The kindness in your heart enriches those around you.
- Changes caused by gra vity. The secret of the mysterious force that connects our bodi es to the earth
- The first step to overcoming negative thinking and overcoming fear. Why daily gratitude and the cour age to take on challenges enrich your life
- Helping people in need changes lives. Why the importance of considering the feelings of others is so important in the world.
- The importance of lifestyle habits that make you smarter, study methods that improve your grades, and ha ving goals
- Changes in your mindset and ways of thinking to overcome suffering. To solve problems, you need to be positive
- How to ha ve a good mindset for business success. If you want to get ahead at work, relationships are also important.
- Alpha wa ves, beta wa ves, and gamma wa ves are special frequencies that change emotions. A change in the mind changes your life.
- 999hz is the golden frequency. It is a magical frequency that grants wishes by connecting with God.
- 2222hz is a frequency that helps you remember your true self and regain your life by removing anxiety.
- The relationship and dangers of 432hz and 440hz. Explaining the frequencies of angels and demons.
- 741hz is a sacred frequency that gives people hope. Creation and inspiration rewrite your life.
- Negative thoughts are dangerous thoughts that ha ve a negative impact on your life. Positive words can change your destiny.
- By connecting with your higher self, you will connect with higher dimensions and your life will change rapidly.
- Your life and destiny will change deeply with the positive words and thoughts that successful people always give.
- Brain science and the law of attraction. Wishes can be easily attracted by using the laws of physics.
- How to live an optimistic life by letting go of anxiety and fear. Positive thinking creates life.
- Synchronicity and soulmate relationships experience deep connection, learning.
- By believing in the invisible world, you will deepen your connection with higher-dimensional beings and enrich your life.
- The era of wind is a time when people around the world kindness and love. The era of wind is an era of love and harmony.
- Time and space actually don't exist. Your thoughts create both time and space.
- Changes and history of a new era called the flat earth theory. Flat Earth exists in the world
- Trinka Five is safe if used correctly. If used correctly, it will bring you great fortune.
- What is the relationship between prophecy and prophecy? I tried to explain the probability of fortune-telling and predictions coming true.
- Precognitive dreams and the dangers of dreams. Dreaming is actually important, so trust your dreams and intuition.
- Do you believe in God's miracles? Miracles happen when you believe in God
- Why making others unhappy also makes you unhappy. There is actually meaning in wishing for the happiness of others.
- Techniques for transitioning to parallel worlds and embodying images to make wishes come true.
- Simple quantum mechanics and the law of attraction that anyone can understand. How to use your brain to make your dreams come true
- It's actually amazing. Why subliminal music enriches your life and how to use it
- Meditation and mantras ha ve meaning. When you quiet your mind, happy things happen.
- Don't place too much faith in the results of fortune telling. Actually, there is more truth in my heart than fortune-telling.
- I explained in detail the effects of binaural sound sources and meditation on the body and mind.
- Does the law of attraction really make your wishes come true? How you use your subconscious mind is important.
- Gayatri mantra is actually amazing. Just by chanting, you can connect with the God of the universe.
- There are 7 types of chakras, and adjusting the frequency has a spiritual effect that brings about a positive reaction.
- Reiki healing is a Qigong practice that heals people and aligns their body, mind, and spirit.
- Karma means that people's past actions will reciprocate in the future.
- 639hz is the frequency of love that repairs relationships.
- 741hz is the frequency of creativity that creates free ideas
- 285hz increases consciousness from multidimensional realms.
- 396hz is a release from fear and negativity.
- The reason why the era of wind gives harmony to the world and makes the world peaceful. And a new era will come.
- Aliens do exist in the world. Interaction with the universe, mysteries, and the ad vanced technological capabilities of ancient civilizations create mysteries.
- Why and how your obsession with material things can ruin your life. Let go of material desires and regain your original self.
- Understanding the meaning of love and harmony enriches the world. By transforming into a world of love and harmony, the world evolves into Hea ven.
- Changes that occur in the world by ascending the dimension. The world of love and harmony will return to the world again.
- By understanding the altered state of consciousness, thoughts and actions evolve. Your abundance and prosperity are all yours.
- 639hz is the 4th chakra, the frequency that repairs relationships and delivers love to the world.
- Ascension is a frequency to harmonize with the higher dimensions. We will create a peaceful society by harmonizing the inner light and darkness and spirituality of each individual.
- Energy vampires need to protect themselves because they absorb people's energy.
- Make your wishes come true by using the Law of Attraction correctly.
- Positive thoughts and words ha ve the power to lead life to success.